The OCBC Bank culture rests on nurturing and developing outstanding individuals through quality education and providing them challenging and rewarding opportunities to grow to their fullest potential. The OCBC Public Scholarship is open to students who have gained admission or are eligible for admission into their first year full-time undergraduate studies at all public and private universities recognised by the Government of Malaysia. 

Scholarship Details

Level of Study:

Undergraduate Programme

Application Timeline:   

Present - 30 June 2024

Scholarship Eligibility:   

- A Malaysian citizen who has gained admission (or is eligible for admission) into their full-time undergraduate studies.
  Applicants do not need to be accepted into a university at the time of application, however, applicants must provide the
  university offer letter at the time the scholarship is awarded

- Applicants must meet the minimum requirement of CGPA 3.30 every trimester for continuation of the scholarship

- The scholarship is tenable for the minimum period required to complete a course leading to a first degree. This is
   subject to consistent and excellent academic performance

- Applicants are not allowed to switch programme mid-way. They are required to reimburse the Bank if they choose to
  switch programme mid-way

- Holds leadership positions in extra-curricular activities, societies and clubs in school/university

- Must not be a recipient of other scholarship(s) or award(s) from any other organisations and/or institutions

Scholarship Coverage :   

- Each student who has gained admission into a recognised Malaysian public or private university will receive a
  scholarship valued at RM15,000 per academic year

- Internship opportunities with OCBC Bank to gain first-hand working experience

For more details: Please visit the official website.